Dismantling Racial Bias
in Home Appraisals
Racial appraisal bias is a pervasive issue that has long contributed to the widening wealth gap for Black families across America.
Black Homes Matter is a movement led by the Fair and Unbiased Appraisal Advocates (FUAA), a coalition of community leaders, realtors, elected officials and other concerned citizens across Prince George’s County, MD.
Together, we are working to bring fair and unbiased appraisal practices to Prince George’s County and to communities everywhere.
Just imagine if instead of denying millions of Americans the ability to own their own home and build generational wealth, we made it possible for them to buy a home and build equity into that [...] home and provide for their families.

Appraisal Bias in Numbers.
Our Priorities.
The Fair and Unbiased Appraisal Advocates work to bring just that - fair and unbiased appraisal practices to Prince George’s County and to communities everywhere.
We do so in three key ways - by promoting awareness, education and collective action.
Bring Awareness
& A Call to Action
to put a stop to the racially-biased appraisal practices that occur around us and equip individuals and organizations to promote change and activism
Provide Tools & Resources
to help home buyers, sellers and those refinancing navigate the appraisal process, inform them of their rights and get their “money’s worth”

Leverage Our Collective Power
assemble other fair and unbiased home appraisal advocates to leverage the collective power of our voices and influence to create action through grassroots, county, state and federal initiatives
FUAA Events.
Appraisal Bias Stakeholder Roundtable
Part I: The National Landscape: Progress, Impact to Prince George's County & A Look Ahead
Part II: Prince George’s County & the State of MD: Plans of Action
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Prince George's County, statewide and federal officials; realtors; home builders; appraisers; bank representatives and others convened at a two-part event to discuss progress made to date to bring fair and unbiased appraisal practices, and new initiatives underway to dismantle structural challenges that oppress the value of Black-owned homes.
FUAA Stakeholder Roundtable
November 17, 2021

Homeowners, realtors, appraisers, elected officials and other concerned citizens gathered for a hybrid in-person and virtual roundtable to discuss home appraisals in Prince George's County, MD and to identify federal, state and local actions that can help to address the pervasive issue.
Maryland General Assembly Economic Matters Committee on Appraisal Bias
Following FUAA's Recent Public Education and Advocacy Push
December 6, 2021
Legislative, Regulatory & Other Important Updates.
Biden Administration Releases Action Plan to Advance Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
The Action Plan serves as a blueprint to ensure fair and equitable appraisals so that all Americans can benefit fairly from the equity built through homeownership.
Agency Commitments & Recommendations to Address Valuation Equity
Assessing Future Policy & Research Efforts to Ensure Equitable Valuation
About the PAVE Action Plan | Full Report | Vice President Harris, White House Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge Announce Action Plan | Briefing & Homeowner Roundtable | About PAVE
The Power of Your Voice
​​Submit your input, help make appraisals and home valuation equitable
Maryland Del. Marvin Holmes Introduces HB1097: Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
The bill filed calls for a study of current appraisal practices of minority-owned properties, a report from the Task Force of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by October 31, 2023.

Biden Administration Announces Directive to Form Interagency Initiative to Address Inequities in Home Appraisals
June 1, 2021
US HUD Sec. Marcia Fudge, along with Domestic Policy Council Director Susan Rice (and now Co-Chair), establish the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) to determine federal actions to root out discrimination in the appraisal and home buying process. These may include potential enforcement under fair housing laws, regulatory action, and development of standards and guidance in close partnership with industry and state and local governments.
Latest News & Relevant Discussions.
Recent news coverage on racial bias in home appraisals in Prince George's County, Maryland and throughout the US.
​Biden-Harris Administration Address Inequity in Black Home Appraisals
Task Force Announces Actions and Guidebook to Help Black Homeowners Overcome Appraisal Bias
(Washington Informer, by Brenda C. Siler, March 27, 2022)
​Home values soared during the pandemic, except for these Black families
Black communities are routinely undervalued. Even when they are among the nation’s wealthiest.
(Washington Post, by Tracy Jan, March 23, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT)
New report shows home appraisal bias is widespread; contributes to wealth gap
The PAVE Task Force releases its report on appraisal bias laying out the history, its implications and plans to address the problem.
(WUSA9, by Larry Miller, March 23, 2022)
Biden Administration Takes on Racial Disparities in Home Valuations
Federal agencies plan to hold industry players more accountable for bias in appraising homes owned by people of color.
(Bloomberg, by Brentin Mock, March 23, 2022)
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